Bosham WI

About us

Bosham WI is going from strength to strength, attracting new members who are keen to join a vibrant and active WI which was formed in 1921 and, so, is over 100 years old.

The WI is famed for Jam & Jerusalem, but there’s not much of that in Bosham. Our monthly meetings usually have an interesting speaker, but we sometimes go ‘off-piste’ and have a quiz or a Desert island Disks. Some might say that the cup of tea, the slice of delicious home-made cake & a good chat are the best bits.

As well as our monthly meetings, there are several thriving sub-groups. These include Mahjong, Scrabble, Crafts, Walking and Books. But there is always room for more & all suggestions are welcome.

We meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 2.30pm (except August). If you require any further information,  please click here